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Principles & Aims


  1. It is a basic human right to live without fear of physical, sexual or emotional abuse;
  2. Woman abuse is a crime. It is everyone’s right to receive protection under the law, regardless of the relationship of the parties involved, or where the crime occurs;
  3. This crime transcends all classes, cultures, ethnic origins, marital status’ and sexual orientation boundaries;
  4. We acknowledge that some groups of women in our society, such as economically disadvantaged, immigrant, native, francophone, and disabled women face a double oppression;
  5. Woman abuse along with other forms of violence against women reflect patriarchal attitudes and economic structure in our society;
  6. Children’s lives are traumatized by exposure to abusive environments. Their witnessing and normalization of violence and abuse perpetuates the cycle of violence and abuse. Their needs are specific and distinct from the needs of their parents.
  7. Violence against women is a crime and societal problem - not a private matter. Therefore, all levels of government and society must share responsibility to eliminate it. Adequate financial support of shelters and services must be provided. Legislation and enforcement of the law must reflect the seriousness of the crime.



  1. The provision of a safe and secure refuge to abused women and their children;
  2. To recognize and respect the strength of each woman and to offer a supportive, non-judgmental setting where a woman can make decisions for herself;
  3. To recognize the specific and distinct needs of children exposed to abusive environments;
  4. To provide supportive counselling to a woman so she may gain a perspective on her situation and can consider alternatives and options;
  5. To provide information and education for the community and professionals on the issue of violence against women;
  6. To participate in community efforts in order to eliminate violence and abuse against women;
  7. To provide all of the above in an anti-racist, anti-oppressive framework.