First Step Womens Shelter



Talk4Healing is a free & culturally safe telephone help line for Aboriginal Women living in Northern Ontario

To access our free & confidential help line, please call: 1 855 554 HEAL

Assaulted Women's Helpline

A 24-hour telephone crisis line for women in the province of Ontario.The Helpline is also for friends and family members of abused women, service providers and other professionals in contact with abused women.

The Canadian Women's Directory of Resources and Information in Canada, the Canadian Women's Virtual Information Centre. The Directory of Canadian Women’s Resources, a searchable database of over 4,000 women’s groups in Canada

ShelterSafe is an online resource to help women and their children seeking safety from violence and abuse. The clickable map will serve as a fast resource to connect women with the nearest shelter that can offer safety, hope and support.

Ontario Women's Directorate

The Ontario government's site focuses on preventing violence against women. One of the links called Help for Assaulted Women lists shelters and sexual assault centres throughout Ontario. At the moment, the link leads to a pilot version of the findhelpToronto database.

Safe Horizon Find Help in the USA

This site has an interactive map of all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Searchers can click on a state and find contact details for that area like state coalitions and hotline numbers.  From the home page more resources and a virtual tour of a shelter are available.


The Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH) is a provincial coalition primarily of first stage emergency shelters for abused women and their children.